Month: March 2012

Traveling with the Apostles

The feature article in National Geographic Magazine, this month, is on the travels and lives of the Christian Apostles. Written by Andrew Todhunter, the article takes you from the mountains of northern Italy  to the seaside ports of western India, imparting fresh perspectives on the ancient Mediterranean and early Christianity along the way. Please click here to read this  article.

Looking for Rome’s Aqua Traiana

Archaeology Magazine just posted this link about Rome’s lost Aqua Traiana aqueduct. Two filmmakers and two archeologists try to ascertain in this ancient Roman wonder was dissembled and reused elsewhere in the city. The results are surprising! Please click here to watch this brief video.

The Secrets of Roman Jerusalem

Last week, the Israeli daily Haaretz printed this article about the remains of Aelia Capitolina–the Roman city built directly on top of the ruins of Jerusalem after the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple in 70 CE. In order to uncover some surprising secrets, please click here to read the article.